Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nathan Hale Grad Facts

  • Over 2/3 of our 2008 graduates are heading to post high-school learning adventures, including college attendance as far away as Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, and as close to home as North Seattle Community College, with many, many exciting destinations in between.

  • Nathan Hale Seniors completed more than 23,000 hours of community service/service learning. Just imagine what an incredible difference our students have already made in their communities!

  • Nathan Hale 2008 graduates raised over $500,000 in scholarship monies.

  • More than half of our graduates have participated in inter-scholastic athletics during their time at Nathan Hale.

  • More than 3/4 of our 2008 graduates have participated in leadership at some point in their careers at Nathan Hale.

  • The Senior Class of 2008 gave a wonderful parting gift to the Nathan Hale community: a generous donation to our PE department in honor of teacher Gary Case and his renowned racquet sports program ("Racquets in the box, birdies in the tube!")

The faces of graduation:

The National Anthem:

School Board Representative Maier, also a proud Nathan Hale graduate:

Student leaders read the names of graduates: