Monday, November 24, 2008

Students at Work!

As seen in the hallways of Nathan Hale . . . next stop, the runways of Paris? Student work from our Fashion Illustration class:

Last week on November 20th, Nathan Hale students worked for a healthier, more peaceful community by promoting the National Smokeout day and National Transgender Remembrance day:

Students in the Nathan Hale Gay Strait Alliance raised awareness on National Transgender Day of Remembrance by creating displays throughout the school honoring the memory of transgender teens who have been subjected to violence. Thank you GSA for your hard work!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Learning in action . . .

Jazz band performing at the Groundbreaking ceremony:

Biology timeline:

Monday, November 17, 2008

High Leverage Strategies

During our August professional development days, we talked as a staff about developing "high leverage" strategies that maximize our energy for optimal student learning. Archimedes, the Greek Scientist who articulated the law of the lever (see here for more information), is reported to have said, "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth."

One of the high leverage strategies we're committed to is creating public records of student learning. Student learning, progress, and understanding should be the primary focus of the classroom, and when it is visible, in a print-rich environment, we maximize classroom time.

Here's an example of a public display of student understanding from a 9th grade Language Arts classroom:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Nathan Hale Seniors, please note the following important Senior Culminating Project deadlines:

1. Parent/Guardian Signature Sheet was due to your Mentorship teacher on October 15th. It must be turned in in order for you to be on track to complete your Senior Culminating Project and be on track to graduate!

2. Culminating Project Expert Advisor/Mentorship Agreement sheet is due in Mentorship class this week, either Wednesday, November 12th, or Thursday, November 13th.

3. Culminating Project Proposal Paper is due in Mentorship on Wednesday, December 3rd. See here for Senior Culminating Project guidelines, dates, and sample proposal papers and the grading rubric.

Questions? Ask your mentorship teacher or Ms. Rebecca Ross (

Monday, November 10, 2008

KNHC Pledge Drive

Nathan Hale's award-winning radio station is in the midst of its annual pledge drive. Take a look at our hardworking citizens in action:

Nathan Hale students give countless hours of work to make sure that KNHC is a successful, well-run radio station. Congratulations to students and to teacher Gregg N.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Starry Starry Night

Here is a beautiful piece of art created by a Nathan Hale student in Ms. K's Ceramics class.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Eye in the Sky

We have installed a new web camera on the Northeast corner of the building in order to keep an eye on our construction site. It's also a great way for you to check in on our construction progress and enjoy the shifts in sun, stars, moon, and clouds. Check it out here!

There is a permanent link to the webcam on this blog and on the Nathan Hale website for your viewing pleasure!

Here also is a link to a very important research study released last November (2007) by the National Endowment for the Arts about Reading in America. Check out the study here and consider the following:

"This report shows striking statistical links between reading, advanced reading skills, and other individual and social benefits," said Sunil Iyengar, NEA Director of Research and Analysis. "To Read or Not to Read compels us to consider more carefully how we spend our time, since those choices affect us individually and collectively."

An recent article in The Seattle Times said that Nathan Hale students spend time every day "just" reading. Consider the benefits of reading cited in the article above, and the incalculable benefit of creating a community that truly values reading. Thank you for supporting reading at Nathan Hale!