Friday, March 28, 2008

Senior Movie Night--TONIGHT!

Join us in the Nathan Hale lunchroom for the BEST SPORTS MOVIE EVER:

The Sandlot!!!!

This is a fundraiser for the Senior class. See you in the lunchroom at 7 pm!

Remember--we're on Spring Break! Stay safe, get lots of sleep, and we'll see you Monday morning, April 7th

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Raiders Do Hands-On Science . . .

at Discovery Park! See our chilly Raiders learning Geology in the real world.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Nathan Hale rhetoricians are having a fantastic year!

The following students were state speech tournament qualifiers: Maareg M., Kim R. and Isabel H. Kim finished 5th in one event and Isabel finished 3rd in two events.

Also, Graphic Arts (that's "graphix" to Ms. T) teacher Caroline Tertocha won a pretigious award from the Washington Association for Skilled and Technical Sciences for Outstanding Contribution to her field. Way to go Ms. T!

Monday, March 24, 2008

We Swing Into Spring!

A big THANKS to the Music Boosters, student performers, teachers, and guests who made our annual Swing Into Spring a fabulous night!

Vocal Jazz warms up . . .

Delicious cakes for the silent auction . . .

Our String Players make magic . . .

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Raiders Run in the Rain . . .

Today we hosted many athletic events at Hale, including a track meet. It was sunny and clear, a bit chilly, for the girl's mile . . .

But even as the weather turned to sudden clouds and hail, it couldn't dampen the spirits of the Nathan Hale staff and coaches . . .

Got Math Questions?

Check out the link to this helpful IMP curriculum website:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Swing into Spring~Support Music at Nathan Hale!

Our music department Swing Dance fundraiser is coming up this Saturday, March 22 at 6:30 pm!

We are hoping that you will come and dance with us, or just enjoy the
live music performed by our students and the West Seattle Big Band. We
will have a swing dance lesson as part of the program, and you will be
able to bid on scrumptious dessert in a silent auction. Tickets are
just $10 for adults and $5 for students.

Refreshments (finger foods) are included in the cost of the ticket. Ticket order forms are available on our music website:

Your student can bring your ticket order to school and drop it off in
one of the mail boxes in the music rooms.

Please help make this event a success by bringing a friend or two
along. (This goes for families and students!)

Thanks and see you on Saturday!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is Nathan Hale all about?

Nathan Hale is about honorable, thinking, skillful citizenship, and a connected community.

For example:

THANK YOU for donating WASL snacks!

Thanks to prudent energy use and our amazing custodial staff, led by the awesome Boun S., Nathan Hale reduced its natural resource use by 10% in the 06-07 school year. See the astounding evidence!

Thanks to the inspiring efforts of Teacher Ted and the incomparable Tina T., as well as wonderuful host families, Nathan Hale experienced a group of remarkable students from the United World Colleges through the Briges to Understanding and Seeds of Compassion programs. These students, from Amman, Tel-Aviv, Jordan, Israel, Ramallah, Hebron, and Northern Ireland gave presentations to our World Geography and American Government Classes.

These nine students participated in peace and empathy-building activities at Hale and throughout Seattle related to United World Colleges' program on Constructive Engagement of Conflict (CEC). The CEC program seeks to find creative conflict resolution techniques and alternative approaches to mediation. Our students participated in a powerful exercise tonight called "circles of compassion."

Thank you Tina, Ted, and host families!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Physics is Phun, Snow Pits Edition

Nathan Hale Physics students study snow pack, shear strength, powder clouds and slab snow in Snoqualmie Pass.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Raiders Rock Lacrosse!

AP Registration

Here's information about AP registration:

What: AP (Advanced Placement) exam sign-ups.

Who: ALL students who are taking an AP exam(s) in May

Where to register: Ms Ask in the Bookroom

When: Sign up between now and 3/19, but see Ms Ask about fee waivers immediately. Registration closes on Wed, March 19 at 3:00.

How much: The cost is $84 per exam. For students who qualify, a fee reduction is available so that the exam fee is $5. See Ms Ask or Mr Jones in the counseling office RIGHT AWAY if you need a fee reduction or think you may qualify.

Students MUST be pre-approved for the fee reduction before signing up--forms are in the bookroom or counseling office. Checks can be made payable to Nathan Hale High School.

Students needing Accommodations: Please contact Mr Jones.

See Mr Jones in the counseling office or Ms Ask in the book room if you have any questions.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What's Up?

Let's say you're a student walking the hallways at Nathan Hale. What do you see? You see evidence of a diverse, creative, thriving community. There are so many exciting things to do!

How about becoming a part of a bike donation project?

Perhaps you could attend the Nathan Hale Cabaret Night, to see your friends and teachers perform. (Cabaret Night is this Saturday, March 8, at 7 pm. It's a fund-raiser for Nathan Hale Productions, our musical theatre support group. Admission is $15 for adults, $5 for students)

You could reflect on a student-designed poster of the March Coalition of Essential Schools principle:

You could enjoy student art work:

Do some service learning with the ABC club:

Attend the Sports Boosters Bingo night:

Donate blood . . .

Or contemplate your shot at stardom by competing in the Nathan Hale Idol extravaganza!

So join us for all of these great opportunities!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Naha High School and Nathan Hale High School~Building Bridges

This week and next, we have students and staff from Naha High School, in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan, visiting our school and staying with host families. Nathan Hale and Naha High Schools have been conducting student exchanges for an astonishing thirty-three years!

Tonight, our host families and Nathan Hale staff hosted a welcome pot luck. We were fortunate to have some performances from our visitors.

We exchanged gifts, and received a beautiful painting from our visitors:

And of course, we had international treats!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WASL Information

Check out these helpful links to up-to-date WASL information on our Nathan Hale website!

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America at Nathan Hale!

Last Saturday Nathan Hale hosted the FCCLA Regional Competition for STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events. 100 students and advisors from the King County area attended. Nathan Hale students and FCCLA State Officers, Kiah L. and Emnet G. served as emcees for the day.

Nathan Hale students competed and served as evaluators. Some of the projects were: creating Audio Books for Children, "The Homeless Among Us," and "Better Starts: The Importance of Breakfast for Teens." All of the competitors earned Gold (90% or better) and will be participating in the FCCLA State Conference in April.

Thank you to our staff members, Cindy K., Nickie M., and AnneMarie M., who support students in our Family and Consumer Sciences classes, and to our terrific students who lead the way every day!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Raiders Rock the Writing Lab!

Nathan Hale now has a writing lab, located in the library. Students can come here, with a teacher pass, to get personalized support and guidance on their writing assignments from Mr. Dan Shapiro.

We want to support writing ACROSS THE CURRICULUM, so any writing assignment or task, at any stage in the process, from brainstorming to revision, can be supported here.

Just look for the friendly signs . . .

And the friendly and talented Mr. Shapiro!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Nathan Hale Remodel

Check out the following links for information about the work that will be happening to update our building!

General Information:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Environmental Impact Report: