In Raider Rebuild news, we have just removed the large planters from the parking lot by our football field. This area will become a new drop off and turnaround area for our fitness center, and will make access to our athletic facilities much safer and more convenient. Next year, there will be temporary portable classrooms sited here.

Here is some student work on display from a beginning Spanish class. Students used each other's verb projects to conduct a verb scavenger hunt.

Chilly runners get a tutorial from our own Matt H., who served as starter and teacher of track protocol, as they prepare to run a 400 m race.

Here is a great example of the critical thinking in Horticulture class. Click on the overhead guidelines for the class. The DE is a "daily engage" question for conversation and journaling: "How can you subdivide your project topic?"

Here are some instructions for a long-term landscape design project:

And finally, here are some new spring plants in our greenhouse: