Last Saturday, the Nathan Hale chapter of FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) participated in the STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events competition. STAR events allows students to present their FCCLA projects before a panel of evaluators. Students are scored on professional speaking skills, the quality of their project, and the quality of their presentation. Evaluators are FCCLA Advisers as well as high school students from other schools. Attending from Nathan Hale were: Aurora M., presenter, Career Investigation and Lane S., presenter, Illustrated Talk. Both of these students earned gold (90% or better) and have been invited to FCCLA's state competition. Serving as evaluators from Nathan Hale were Xiu W., Lenae J., Laura D., Kiana M., and Brittany S. Cindy Kegley is their fearless leader!