Biology and Chemistry teacher Mr. F.S. performs his "Cellular Respiration" song, featuring lyrics like "it's in the mitochondria, it's forming ATP." (ATP is adenosine triphosphate, the nucleotide that transports energy within cells and is an essential component of metabolism.)

Students are working on site improvement projects in our Horticulture program. In groups they had to brainstorm, research, and present a proposal for improving the Horticulture site. Here some students work on the pond:

And here you can see rows of beautiful poinsettia plants. Students in Horticulture and Ecology classes learn to grow healthy, beautiful plants using integrated pest management techniques.(Read about integrated pest management here)
And here are students in Nutrition class learning to bake muffins!

Eleventh grader US History students are learning about the conditions that led to the Revolutionary war. In both US History and Language Arts classes they are learning to analyze rhetoric, and are studying Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," identifying effective rhetorical techniques in his prose.
It's a great time to be a student at Nathan Hale!