Check out staff members, including the gracious and loquacious Tony R., talking to the community about our academic vision at Nathan Hale. (That's "Upper House Jeopardy" on the screen!)
Nathan Hale has a mission statement that says that "ALL students will become honorable, thinking, skillful citizens." Here's an excerpt from an e-mail I just received from a Metro bus driver, who routinely transports Nathan Hale students:
The students who ride both of these trips have proven to be exceptional bus riders. The numbers vary from day to day, as do the particular students who ride. Despite the early morning hour, your students are pleasant, courteous, and ride without any undue disturbances. In fact, contrary to the complaints of many of my coworkers, the Hale students who ride my bus have a fare compliance rate of roughly 99%. If anything, the young people who ride in for a late start are unusually patient in that the bus is always late for a 10:00 a.m. start due to the high amount of pedestrian traffic on the University campus where we commence that trip. They always say thank you for the ride.
The students who ride both of these trips have proven to be exceptional bus riders. The numbers vary from day to day, as do the particular students who ride. Despite the early morning hour, your students are pleasant, courteous, and ride without any undue disturbances. In fact, contrary to the complaints of many of my coworkers, the Hale students who ride my bus have a fare compliance rate of roughly 99%. If anything, the young people who ride in for a late start are unusually patient in that the bus is always late for a 10:00 a.m. start due to the high amount of pedestrian traffic on the University campus where we commence that trip. They always say thank you for the ride.