Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Handbag????!!!!

You MUST see Nathan Hale's student-directed production of Oscar Wilde'sThe Importance of Being Earnest. Come see the witty banter of Rev. Canon Chasuble, Lady Bracknell, and Gwendolen Fairfax!

Monday, May 26, 2008

He's a hero!

Nathan Hale Math teacher extraordinaire Brian Coon was celebrated last week at the "Heroes in the Classroom" luncheon at Qwest field. Here he is at his own personalized locker in the Seahawks locker room. Brian is an exemplary teacher, colleague, and coach--thanks Brian C.!!

Literature and Learning Rock at Nathan Hale!

Our students who have the additional learning challenges associated with severe and profound disabilities have been studying Moby Dick. See below the Venn diagram they created and the bulletin board with enrichment and background information about whaling. THANK YOU to our wonderful teachers!

Friday, May 23, 2008

June Raider Reader Article

June’s Coalition of Essential Schools Principle: Democracy and equity
We strive to demonstrate non-discriminatory and inclusive policies, practices, and pedagogies. We strive to model democratic practices that involve all who are directly affected by the school; everyone should have a voice. We strive to honor diversity and build on the strength of our many communities, deliberately and explicitly challenging all forms of inequity.

We have a powerful potential in out youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.
Mary McLeod Bethune

For my eighth birthday, I was given a book called Women of Courage, a young adult book with each chapter devoted to detailing the life of a notable woman in history from Jane Addams to Marie Curie. I read and reread one chapter in particular, the one with the story of the courageous and gifted educator Mary McLeod Bethune. I remember reading that she and her students sold sweet potato fritters to raise money to buy books for their school. I remember that she procured orange crates to be used as desks and chairs. And I remember my awakening sense of my personal commitment to fairness, justice, and the power of education.
Many years later, I am honored and humbled to be a member of the Nathan Hale community, where we commit explicitly to ethical education and social justice, to teaching students each day how to be honorable, thinking, skillful citizens. We will continue to improve each day in our commitment to modeling democratic practices, including all voices and viewpoints in our policies and procedures, and challenging all forms in inequity. We will continue to develop and teach to rigorous standards of thinking.
We are grateful for your input and feedback, and welcome your insights into how we can better meet your needs. Thank you for a wonderful year!
Marni Campbell, Principal

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Art at Nathan Hale

Check out the link to Ms. Kuznetz' art website!

More Scholar-Athletes

Nathan Hale is living up to the Greek ideal of the unity of a sound mind and sound body. Our Girls track and tennis teams were awarded first and second place in the WIAA Scholastic Cup!

All athletic teams this year met the goal of having an average 3.0 GPA, with football coming in just shy at 2.98.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Scholar Athletes

Last Thursday, the 101 Club of the Washington Athletic Club celebrated Scholar-Athletes from schools around the city. Nathan Hale athletes were honored with a lovely lunch and an inspiring program. Congratulations!

Athletic Director Hopkins introduces Nathan Hale Scholar Athletes:

Wonderful Senior Scholars and Athletes!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Culminating Projects and KNHC

Congratulations to our Seniors who presented their Culminating Projects on May 13th, and a huge THANKS to the staff and community members who provided dinner, served as panelists, and supported our kids!

Tasty dinner . . .

Happy Senior!

Also congratulations to our Radio students for high achievement at the State High School Radio Conference!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Science + Persistence = Robots!

I have cool videos of 9th grade Science students who successfully programmed a robotic arm, calculating trajectories and vectors, so that it lifts a film canister and places it on another structure. My tech advisors will have to help me post these videos . . . Stay tuned! In other news--tomorrow night is our Culminating Project exhibition night. All Seniors who are planning to graduate need to complete a Culminating Project! (See the Nathan Hale website for more information). Congratulations to our Girls track team for winning the State championship!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!

Thanks Nathan Hale teachers~you're the best!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yankee Doodle Days, Contd.~Class Decorating in the Commons

On Thursday, each class decorated a corner of the lunchroom. Students worked hard and truly bonded over tape, shared ladders, and old school hip hop played on a HUGE boom box!

THANKS to Mr. Linett for the support this week!